Monday, June 28, 2010

Wash 80 Loads of Laundry for around $4!

I can't believe how easy it is to make your own liquid laundry soap! From what I understand it even works on the HE Front Loaders! I used to have to use Fragrance Free laundry detergent but I have not had a problem using this soap and clothes smell fresh!
The ingredients can be found in the laundry aisle of most grocery stores.

Preparation Step One:
Get a 3+ gallon bucket with lid. You may purchase one or obtain one for free at Sams Club, Costco or other bakery department. Just ask for the frosting buckets they are discarding. You will need to wash it, but hey, it's free! (Do NOT pour the detergent into an old laundry soap container, you will need to store it in the bucket. It gets very, very thick after it cools and will not be able to be poured.)

Preparation Step Two:
Purchase an extra 1/2 Cup measuring cup, which can be found at most Dollar stores. You can also check the measurement of the current liquid laundry soap cup you have now, some are 1/2 cup.

1 bar Fels Naptha Soap- grated (you may want to get a cheese grater from the $Store)
1 cup Washing Soda
1 cup Borax
2 1/2 gallons water (40 cups)- boiling

Put grated soap in bucket.
Add one gallon of boiling water and stir (with wooden spoon you will not use for cooking, plastic or metal spoon or paint stir stick) to combine.
Add Washing Soda and Borax and mix well.
Add additional 1 1/2 gallons of boiling water and stir to combine.

Use 1/2 cup for normal dirty loads and 1 cup for really dirty loads.

*Helpful Hints*
- 20 cups of water fit well in a soup pot. I boil 20 cups, add to grated soap and while stirring the other ingredients bring the other 20 cups to a boil and then add. Cover the pot with a lid to help it boil faster.
- Make soap kits by placing the dry ingredients into plastic bags (1 for the grated Fels Naptha soap, one for the Washing Soda and Borax). When you need to make more just pull them out and add the boiling water. These also make great gifts!

Thanks Nikki for this wonderful idea!

Let the money saving begin!!!